Jaume plensa is a global exhibition and international public sculpture project, including Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, France and the United States, and is currently a professor at the Ecole de Bozar in France and the Chicago Art Institute in the United States. In 1993, he was awarded the French government's Order of Culture and Arts 'Schvalier'. Daejeon Complex Terminal is exhibiting "Sanna," a representative work by Haume Plenza, who leads public sculptures around the world, to share a higher level of artistic experience on the 46th anniversary of its foundation. Jaume plensa, who is active in Barcelona, Spain, created a meditative and mysterious figure with the universal beauty of mankind through a specific character called "Sanna." The figures that vary depending on where they are viewed are also our self-portraits using Daejeon Complex Terminal. The meditative image of "Sanna" with her eyes closed will provide a meaningful opportunity to look into the beauty and peace hidden deep inside us.
Artist Jaume Plansa
Period Permanent(2020.1.21)
Location Daejeonbustermainal
Organizer BEBIG
Artworks 4.5 X 1.62 X 0.57m 1ea